Marketing Explained
Website Focus on Results
When it comes down to it, all you want is results. That
may be in the form of a sale, new customer lead, better
customer or employee management, subject awareness, or some
combination of any of these. At Mr. E. Studios our experts can
analyze your website and company needs to assist you in making
certain that your website has the best possible success
according to your goals.

Experience Makes the Difference
Having been in the online marketing game for over a decade,
Mr. E. Studios' web marketing experts can provide you with
unique solutions to your marketing needs. We have over a
decade of research to rely on when helping you decide on the
method of marketing in which you need to utilize for you
optimum success. We are 100% certain that we can research,
develop, maintain, and report the results of the best possible
campaign for your needs and budget.
What is Web Marketing?
The short answer to this popular question is: "Anything
that promotes your website, services, & products on the
Internet." Ok, that's simple enough, but what does that
entail? There are several different ways to market using the
Internet. Some of the more popular options are listed below.
Search Engine Organic Results
Search engines have advanced a great deal since the dawn
of the Internet. There are many ways to advertise your company
within the search engines. Each search engine has it's own way
of collecting the website information and returning results.
"Organic" search results are the unpaid results that the
search engine returns. This is the most sought after place to
be shown.
Search Engine Paid Results
Another method of being found within a search is through
some of the paid avenues. an example of this is Pay Per Click.
Pay Per Click is the "Sponsored Results" that you see in your
search results. This is usually on the top, bottom, and down
the right side of the search results pages. However different
search engines display these differently.
Search Engine Local Results
Perhaps your target audience is much smaller. It may be
that you are only interested in localized traffic. Search
engines and several website have very localized search
options. Mr. E. Studios can place you into these local
directories and make certain that you show up well. This will
assist in your organic results as well.
Banner, Text Link & Other Off-website
There are also several options for reaching your goals
through other online resources. Strategically placed
advertisements on other websites can bring you terrific
results. There are many different things that go into a well
placed online ad. Some of these things are location, wording,
presentation, and tracking. Mr. E. Studios has the expertise
to help you find the best approach for your online
Blogs & Article Writing
One way to be seen and let people know more about your
business is to release articles and blogs that are search
friendly. It is also very important how you release these
articles, through which media services, etc. At Mr. E. Studios
we have over a decade in the web marketing game and we closely
research all the methods and what makes them succeed. Our team
of experts can write and position articles that will bring
optimal exposure to your business.
Other New & Innovative Ideas
With all of our accumulated experience and knowledge we
still are not satisfied. We have to be innovative and think
outside the box. We often develop new methods and different
ways of applying the old ones to keep us ahead of our
competition. Working with Mr. E. Studios gives you the
opportunity to be one of the first company to apply these
methods for your success.
Mr. E. Studios
1018 E. McKinley Ave.
Fresno, CA 93728
Telephone: (559) 375-4544